Astrology is the study of the differing planetary energies and their impacts on people. It isn’t fortune disclosing to it is a unimaginable measurable device, which when examined, can enable you to discover the purpose behind this manifestation, what you have embodied to become familiar with this life time to help you through your evolvement.
Study your Birth Chart
Through the study of astrology and your birth chart, you will get familiar with the characteristics, gifts and abilities which you have gotten with you from past lives that when acknowledged and bridled can be imparted to the world and mankind. The planets have differing characteristics of vitality, a portion of these characteristics I will presently list for you, as models. The Sun, a genuine star is a warm, liberal bundle of flame, with an endless measure of vitality which it affectionately provides for all life. The Sun speaks to our Father.
The Moon is very different from the Sun, it enables us to feel our feelings, and it additionally impacts the waters of the oceans giving them higher or bring down tides relying upon the periods of the moon. It enables us to connect with our past and to be tuned in to our female side and to support. The Moon speaks to our Mother.
The planet Venus has differing characteristics once more; its energies enable the opportunity to identify with others, to have self-esteem or absence of it. It is the planet of affection, excellence, equalization and harmony. Every one of these characteristics of vitality can be played out contrarily or decidedly. It is our decision, so once we know about these energies and with some information of Astrology we can play our round of life decidedly. Then, our life will be more agreeable, more tranquil inside ourselves and the world and more substance with our parcel, because, what we give out we get back, it’s that basic.
Your Spirit Level
Presently, my conviction is that on a spirit level, we as people picked the guardians, the date, time and place we should have been born at, with the goal that the planets would be in such an arrangement, and radiating their differing characteristics of vitality, that we need this life time to gain proficiency with the exercises, required to enable us to climb somewhat further up the stepping stool of development… We as individuals are here to learn, we don’t do things wrong or commit errors, we are simply learning. Life is a voyage of learning. While we are here on earth we will keep on learning our exercises, whether we like it or not, whether we know about it or not.
The more we are open and mindful of any responses we may have while communicating with others, and the more adaptable we are to change. The simpler our life will stream. By discovering exactly where every one of the planets were positioned in the sky, when you were born will tell an astrologer exactly what exercises you have manifested to learn.
An astrologer will cast a natal birth chart for you; with the information of the place and time you were born. With this information an astrologer can find in the chart exactly where the planets were, and if they have any angles (associations) to one another. These perspectives can be simple or a difficult, thereby demonstrating where your most noteworthy difficulties in life are.