cancer zodiac sign

Cancer zodiac sign individuals are known to be involved in life with things that generate a deep feeling of emotion.

Cancer Birthdate:

Born: June 21- July 22

The Crab

Cancer Weekly Tarot Card Prediction

Two of Swords this tarot card indicates that you have some very important decisions to make this week. There maybe things that you aren’t currently aware of or things that aren’t brought to your attention at the moment. Things play-out in the background, you may not have all the facts to a situation. Just trust yourself with each decision you make this week no matter how big or small.

Cancer Astrology Events

June astrology events for Cancer

May 7,2015 – Venus enters astrology sign Cancer – June 21,2015 – The sun enters astrology sign Cancer – June 24,2015 – Mars enters astrology sign Cancer – July 8,2015 – Mercury enters astrology sign Cancer –

Cancer Ancient Myths

Hercules was fighting the Hydra. Strong Hercules was coming unknowingly near a crab, the crab pinches Hercules and Hercules steps on the crab crushing him. Goddess Hera felt very sad about what had occurred so she put the crab in the sky.

Cancer Famous Celeb Birthdays

Selena Gomez Born: July 22,1992 in Texas.

Jaden Smith Born: July 8,1998 in California.

Kevin Hart Born: July 6, 1979 in Pennsylvania.

Tom Hanks Born: July 9, 1956 in California.

Lindsay Lohan Born: July 2, 1986 in New York.

Will Ferrel Born: July 16,1967 in California.

Drake Bell Born: June 27,1986 in California.

Lana Del Rey/strong> Born: June 21, 1986 in New York.

Khloe Kardashian Born: June 27,1984 in California.

Ashley Tisdale Born: July 2, 1985 in New Jersey.

Tom Cruise Born: July 3,1962 in New York.