Libra 2015 may bring a separation in your love life. This will be the time that you are ready to move on. You may change your standards in your love life. A growth in confidence and independence is indicated here for you. You may be facing a love triangle in 2015 that may end up in a separation. The truth will be seen and you have to take action when it shows up. A third person is involved. If that person isn’t attached to your relationship with a significant other in a a romantic way, this person may be just a family member or a close friend that influences your spouse to the wrongly of you. Don’t be too down on yourself Libra. This is the time to leave this relationship with acknowledged actions from both sides, no regrets and a fresh start to move forward. When times get tough you need to look within yourself to discover who you are or who you were. You must remember everything in life is as hard as you make it out to be.

Three of Swords

The Three of Swords was pulled out of the tarot deck when in regards to Libra’s love life. This card isn’t a favorable card when someone thinks that they are in love,but every negative does have a positive. The three of swords is an image of a heart that is stabbed with three swords. Gray clouds are grumbled above and light is right at the bottom. This card indicates separation of 3 people in a relationship. Tense conversations and emotions come out. You will feel better as you leave the relationship. This may be a moment of rain,but the sun will come out after the rain goes away and a new journey of self discovery will be in your path for 2015.

Libra’s Monthly Love Quotes Calendar :


“She loved me coming and going, at my worst and at my best. She had a bottomless well of love for me.”

― Mitch Albom


“Sometimes when you experience something wonderful, everything else loses its shine.”

― M.E. Vaughan


“Nothing you love is left behind. You come back to it once you understand it, once you see its essence as it is: pure and flawless – once you refuse to define your life without it. Look into yourself. The only thing you regret in the end is falling for someone’s definition of love instead of exploring its infinite potential. It is not saying “I love you” to people who should have heard it from you. There is no flaw in love.”

― Vladimira Chalyova


“I’m wondering if without our memories, there’s nothing for it but for our love to fade and die.”

― Kazuo Ishiguro


“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

Hafiz of Persia


“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

— Mark Twain


“There was no other way to say it. After being heartbroken for so long, I had made myself completely numb inside. Maybe not from physical pain, but anything emotional, yes. Sexual pleasure? Numb to that, too. I’d have been a great actress. After all, I had the perfect, mind-blowing orgasm down to an art. Suppose I deserve an Oscar for that.”

― Jennifer Salaiz


“My heart had been touched by him, battered by him, cradled by him as the days passed. He was cruel without meaning to be yet he was kind, and I needed him too much to let myself want him”

― Mackenzie Herbert, Chasing Trains


“We hurt so much because we have lost a part of ourselves. If we have loved much, we must have given much also, and when everything’s over, we feel as though we have lost everything.”

― Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart


“There are all kinds of ways for a relationship to be tested, even broken, some, irrevocably; it’s the endings we’re unprepared for.”

– Katherine Owen


“There are a million ways to lose someone you love.”

– Tammara Webber


“Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes just be an illusion.”– Javan

Celebs Born Under the Astrological Sign of Libra:

Brigitte Bardot

Monica Bellucci

Simon Cowell


Hilary Duff

Gwyneth Platrow

Kim Kardashian

Matt Damon

Alicia Silverstone


Lil’ Wayne

Candice Swanepoel


Amber Rose

Ne – Yo

Kate Winslet

Avril Lavigne

Will Smith


Snoop Dogg

Bruno Mars

Gwen Stefani

Nick Cannon

Kelly Rippa