January 2019 Monthly Reading
Scorpio – Page of Swords
Scorpio, you are ready this month to experience some great adventure in your life. Confidence and adventure are the two things that will influence your month. Make sure you be open and let life invite you on different rides. Watch out for your best interest, yet, be very aggressive to have fun! This is also a great month for changes in love, home, and career.
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Scorpio August 2018 Horoscope – The Empress Tarot Draw
Scorpio, the month of August will lead you to be influenced by a beautiful female figure. If you are a female,this is a role model for you. If you are a male, there will be a female that resembles all the good qualities of the empress that will influence you in life. This month is great to expand your wealth. August is wonderful for fertility and mothers. Creating your own abundance is possible if you place in the right work. Overall, this month will be a base for you to transform into something much better!
July 2018 Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio, this is a great month for all relationships and friendships. Love is in the air in July! You will see things around you blooming. You may meet someone very significant this month! A new love relationship is seen and for those who are currently in a relationship, this is the best time to take that relationship to the next level. There will be love throughout your month. Believe in yourself and others this month. Trusting your feelings is the best way to move through July!
Scorpio November 2017 Horoscope
Scorpio, this month you will be receiving something and you will also be influenced by a male figure. There is something coming your way in November, the way you handle this item will determine your near future. If you act with intellect, you will ensure a better future for yourself. Be very appreciative this month of what you have and be open to new things coming your way. November is a great month for love, reward, and finances.
Scorpio August 2017 Horoscope
Scorpio, the month of August will bring you 2nd opinions. At times, you may feel the need to look over a situation multiple times before making a quick decision.
Scorpio July 2017 Horoscope
The month of July will bring a reunion, new visits, business partnerships, and possible love relationships. There is a strong feeling of love for you in July. Any partnership that is formed or reunited this month is surely strong and will grow even stronger. Scorpio, try to connect with as many people as possible in July, but also remember to start doing something you’ve always wanted to as it is guaranteed to have a blessed start this month.
Scorpio June 2017 Horoscope
Scorpio, the month of June will have its ins and outs for you. You strive to succeed in almost everything that you do, but sometimes when a forceful energy comes in the middle, you may feel very lost and angry. This month, you must control your emotions and remove the illusions that have given you a bad image of something in your life.This month will bring you new life lessons. You must always learn to have self-control and self-discipline.
Scorpio April 2017 Horoscope Message
Scorpio, when things become tight around you, always try to multi task.
Scorpio March 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Scorpio, for the month of March you find yourself being showered with honors. Your friends, family, and co-workers are on your side. This is a great month for starting new ventures or making big life changes. The sun is with you in every step of your path ahead. Have a bright and happy month Scorpio!
Scorpio February 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Scorpio, for the month of February you will need to act fast upon a situation. February brings you new opportunities in all directions. This will be a very communicative month for you. You are seen to deal with many new friends that enter your life and grow your social circle. It is important to treat everyone with respect as you may not know when you need a favor in the future. In terms of business, when an opportunity comes your way you must act fast on it or it will leave! Have a great month Scorpio.
Scorpio January 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Scorpio, for the month of January you will bring you great health and communication. This month you will be able to heal something. You may heal yourself physically or psychologically. This is the perfect month to focus on yourself and also allow the opinions of others to come in. Higher studies are also seen this month. If you want to learn something new, don’t be afraid to find a good read for yourself. This month may also bring you a large scale of responsibility. By staying calm and focused, you will have a successful month!
Scorpio December 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Three of pentacles
Scorpio, for the month of December you will bring you important news. Something that may be law,church, or family related will have a big impact on you this month. You must make space for yourself to clearly think before taking any actions. This is also a great month for new promotions and increases in finances. Have a month full of awareness Scorpio!
Scorpio November 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Two of Pentacles
Scorpio, for the month of November you will find yourself debating over 2 paths to take. New opportunities and decisions that come this month will be in your favor. Be very selective and don’t think too much on impulse. Good news coming from a lengthy distance is also seen. Any decisions you make this month will impact your future. Have a wonderful month Scorpio!
Scorpio October Monthly Horoscope – Knight of wands
Scorpio, the month of October brings you to action. There may be something that you need to work at this month. When someone is in need of help, you must be ready to march up and supply help. Your business needs to more focus. Love may be a bit confusing ,but you must find a way to keep everything in check.Don’t doubt your actions, but use intelligence in all impulsive decisions that you may take. Have an alerting month Scorpio !
Scorpio September Monthly Horoscope – Page of Swords
Scorpio, the month of September will bring you new insight. You are one who is very determined,but you must know that you have some time to grow and establish new knowledge in between. This month is seen as a growing period. You will gain much clarity in a situation and make a decision to move forward to a fresh start. Use all the tools you have in life this month, both by dreaming and facts to find your answer. Have a wonderful month Scorpio!
Scorpio August 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Page of Pentacles
Scorpio, for the month of August you will be receiving some pleasant news. You will have a great ability to focus this month. It will be more enchanted than before. Possibilities and higher education will be of topic in August. You are very smart. Trust your passions as they will ultimately lead you down a great route!
Scorpio July 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Four fo Swords
Scorpio, the month of July will bring you a time for rest. You may have been going in fast forward mode recently. This is time to stop fighting and put your sword down. You are in need to heal both internally and externally. Take things one day at a time, become more spiritual and allow yourself to look at things in a different perspective !
Scorpio June 2016 Monthly Horoscope -Knight of Swords
Scorpio, the month of June will bring action! There will be a situation in which you would need to get on as soon as possible. Someone may call for action or you may feel the need to go after something you are strongly passionate about. Follow your heart and don’t think twice about it. Travel is seen for you this month. If you feel at times that your temper may be over the top, it probably is. Have an impulsive month Scorpio!
Scorpio May 2016 Monthly Horoscope -Three of Wands
Scorpio, the month of May will bring you new truths and intellect. A journey of understanding is ahead. You are seeking something in your life and although at times it may feel very close at the same time you may be lost in a distance. You are looking out for a new way for yourself in life. Be very decisive and recognize your needs this month Scorpio!
Scorpio April 2016 Monthly Horoscope
Scorpio, the month of April will bring you unexpected and surprising events. Most of these events will be positive. Once a situation or opportunity ( love or business,which ever it may be) is presented in front of you, you are the person who can make a bad story turn out miraculous. Believe in yourself and learn to see through peoples appearance to find out their core! Have a magnetic month Scorpio!
Scorpio March 2016 Horoscope
Scorpio, this month the Nine of Pentacles was drawn for you. This card indicates a month of great growth for you. This is a great time to start a family,new venture, trip, relationship, or planting a garden. There is great fertility and prosperity this month for you Scorpio. You will discover a certain confidence within yourself and you will be satisfied with your surroundings. Make sure you take in all that you can out of your surrounds. Have a very creative month Scorpio!
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Read your tarot draw for the month of February 2016. Scorpio- The World
Scorpio, this will be an amazing month for you. This month you will find success in all your ventures and great journeys ahead. It is likely that you will be visiting a different Country and traveling over seas. This month will be great for extreme business decisions and even extreme decisions in your love life!
January 2016 Monthly Horoscope. January 2016 Tarot Draw for Scorpio: The Sun
Scorpio, the month of January 2016 will bring you amazing possibilities. This month will open up new happy beginnings. The Sun tarot card, indicates marriages, new business ventures, or pregnancy. Great success and happiness is in store for you this month.
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Read your tarot draw for the month of December 2015. Scorpio- Seven of Swords
Scorpio, there is a great indication of moving this month. The Seven of Swords indicates a change that has been long due for you. There may have been something about your past that is living in the present that you are wanting to move on from. This can be a relationship or a living location. This is the perfect time to throw away the old and take out the new. Moving into a new house, starting a new business, or moving on from a relationship. In the middle of the month there is a decision that you need to make. Remember to be quick on your feet when being approached with unknown situations ( good and bad). Have a great month this December Scorpio and remember to be firm with your choices!
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Read your tarot draw for the month of November 2015. Scorpio- Ace of Pentacles
Scorpio, November will be one of your best months to look forward to! This is the month where all you have desired will happen. Open your heart to the world of opportunity, believe that you will receive your desires, and you will. The Ace of Pentacles, indicates wealth and abundance. Something will happen now, that will line up a possibility for you in the future. This opportunity will be financial phenomenal. Your wishes of financial power and stability will be answered.
Read your tarot draw for the month of September to October 2015 – Scorpio- Ten of Pentacles
Scorpio, for the month of September through October you will have great luck in your finances,love, and you will have an invitation of some sort. This month will be filled with old memories and a new union. You are very likely to seeing an old friend, family member, or lover. For those who are in a relationship a marriage is being planned. Have a love filled month Scorpio and expect only the best with your surroundings !
August Horoscope 2015
Read your Tarot Draw for the month of August 2015 – Scorpio – Eight of Pentacles
Scorpio, this month will be all about building up something. This may be building a new image for yourself, a new career, or a new relationship. You are back on the right path in life. No doubt there is a spark of creativity in the process, trying to do something that hasn’t done before. You will progress greatly this month on all your areas. There is still a lot of work needed to be done,but you are taking and making all the right decisions this month. Stay grounded, allow your determination to guide you, and have a productive month Scorpio !
July Horoscope
Read your Tarot Draw for the month of July 2015 – Scorpio
Tarot Draw – Two of Pentacles
Scorpio, this month you will be filled with love,kindness, and peace within your home,social area,love life, and work. This energy will be very positive for you. You may reunite with someone dear to you this month.Youth will influence your month your month to become even more blossoming. Good finances are seen this month. A great windfall of money that can lead to your life’s financial security is in the stars for you, its up to you what you chose to do with your power and its in your hands to get there. Have a loving, rich, and happy month Scorpio!
April Scorpio Tarot Horoscope
Tarot Card Draw:
Queen of Pentacles
Scorpio, this month for you shows a women that may be a motherly figure in your life. She is someone that you have memories of and she may still be around or she maybe someone that you always think about constantly. She shows that this month you will work hard for what you want and success will be coming your way. As much work as you put into it the better you will be at it. Be very ‘normal’ about your opinions and your life, be what ‘normal’ is defined by you and you will be on the right path.