Virgo – The Star
January 2019 Monthly Reading
Virgo, this month you must have hope and belief in your dreams. Trust that you are going in the right direction in life and it will be just that. Not everything needs to be about schedules and documents, its time to invest time into your faith and increase belief. There is a great future for you, but you must believe in it.
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Virgo August 2018 Horoscope – The World Tarot Draw
Virgo, the month of August will bring you great improvements and accomplishments. You will feel great and you will be very successful in your projects. Dancing, singing, and dressing to your best style is seen for you in August. Your love life will also be flourishing. Rewards are coming your way and success is right around the corner! Get excited and let the positive vibrations follow you!
July 2018 Virgo Horoscope
Virgo, this month will bring you social invitations, family events, and travel. You may be meeting a friend or family member after a long time now or you may be traveling to them. This is a great month that will reunite you with certain individuals. In terms of emotions and feelings, you will feel very at ease and with peace inside yourself. This is the month you need to relax and rejoice. Having loved ones surround you will make all the difference in the world. Have a great month Virgo!
Virgo November 2017 Horoscope
Virgo, this month will bring you great news, love, change, and family visitations. Celebrations and gatherings are seen for you this month. Be very open this month and it will bring you messages from far away. The more you allow communication directly to you, the more you will connect with unexpected people. This is a great month for further life improvement, gatherings, love, and even house moves. Have a great month Virgo!
Virgo August 2017 Horoscope
Virgo, the month of August will bring you beauty and recognition. This is the time to realize what phase you are in currently and move even further ahead.
Virgo July 2017 Horoscope
The month of July will be the best month for you to start something new. You may want to move into a new house, a new country, or a temporary travel vacation. Anything that you haven’t tried before, this is the month to try! Inner transformation and growth is seen for you. Travel and an adventurous love relationship is also possible this month. Virgo, your hope will guide you in the right direction!
Virgo June 2017 Horoscope
Virgo, the sun shines on you in June. This is not only the month of Summer, but this is the month where you truly receive positive answers from all your interactions. There is a great possibility for you this month. If you have a significant mate, a pregnancy or other happy announcement is seen for you. This is also a great time to venture out into a new career. Don’t be afraid to jump in June as you will surely soar above!
Virgo April 2017 Horoscope Message
Virgo, keep a wise eye out for those who will try to gossip about you.
Virgo March 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Virgo, for the month of March you will be influenced by finances. You may be in need of finances or someone you know may be in need. Whatever the situation may be, always be alert and have a quick backup plan to provide in a financial way. If you are thinking of getting a new loan, this is the perfect month to do so. Always think positively and positivity will surround you this month!
Virgo February 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Virgo, for the month of February will bring you a new sense of wisdom. This is the time where you need to allow yourself to think about deeper topics and less factual topics. All the feeling of wisdom and higher thinking surround you this month and lead you to better places in your life. When coming across any situation in February, you must look inside before making the final decision. Have a charming and instinctive month Virgo!
Virgo January 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Virgo, for the month of January you will see yourself being a bit more generous to others. People will accept your opinions and feelings of affection. You will find yourself opening your heart and sympathizing to others. This month, allow yourself to slowly regroup back to your work process, but allow the feeling of stress to melt away this year. Have a responsible and truthful month Virgo!
Virgo December 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Nine of Wands
Virgo, for the month of December you will feel that you need to slow down a bit. No matter how fast you might one something in your life to be accomplished, you need to look at the outside picture. Doing things too fast will only cause you to make small errors along the way. A plan that you are thinking about right now will turn out great,but you must allow it to. Have a patient month Virgo!
Virgo November 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Knight of Cups
Virgo, for the month of November you will be presented with an offer. A man on top of a horse is seen in this tarot draw and he is holding a golden cup. This card indicates that you must accept all new events that come your way as they will turn out successful. This is a great time to set out on a new journey as you many find yourself finding an opportunity very quickly. Act on your emotions Virgo and do what feels right. Virgo, you have a great month ahead!
Virgo October Monthly Horoscope – Ten of Pentacles
Virgo, the month of October will bring you much joy and fortune. Something will happen this month that will touch your heart. You may get married, have a family reunion, friend visit, find love, or have a baby in the picture. This month will bring you deep joy and fortune. This is a great month for family,love, and a chance to earning big finances. Have a blessed month Virgo!
Virgo September Monthly Horoscope – The High Priestess
Virgo, the month of September will be very spiritual for you. You will be surrounded by an energy that will influence your actions. Trust all your intuitions this month and don’t deny your gut feelings. You hold much knowledge and this is not the month to take things from a factual point, but more to a spiritual extended. Have an intuitive month Virgo!
Virgo August 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Page of Wands
Virgo, for the month of August you will be influenced by a female energy. A vibrant young women may represent you or someone whom you are in contact with. She will influence you this month and bring you news. Make sure you look at every fact that comes your way carefully this month. If an opportunity is present, you must capture it fast! Virgo, you communication skills will help you progress more in your career and love life in August!
Virgo July 2016 Monthly Horoscope – Eight of Swords
Virgo, the month of July will bring you something from your past. You may have misunderstood a situation or a person, you may have seen a situation from a different point of view and now it seems to be backfiring. A feeling of fear and constriction will surround you. You must look for ways to steer around insecure feels that you may have and acknowledge things for what they are fearlessly. Always try to put that bright smile on Virgo!
Virgo June 2016 Monthly Horoscope -Queen of Pentacles
Virgo, the month of June will bring you love and popularity. You will upgrade something during this month. You may will an inheritance battle, find a new love or even achieve something that your heart has desired of a while. Study your emotions and surroundings. Stay away from gossip and problematic situations. You have the power to attract into your life what you most desire. Its time to make great decisions for yourself this month as they will lead you down a path of success !
Virgo May 2016 Monthly Horoscope -Ace of Cups
Virgo, the month of May will bring you unlimited overflowing abundance. Something that you may have really wanted will be accomplished and or fulfilled this month. A new job, love interest, or home is seen for you. This month you must trust your instincts to get one step closer and achieve your wishes. Have a beautiful flowing month Virgo!
Virgo April 2016 Monthly Horoscope
Virgo, the month of April will bring you a completion of a phase in your life. You are constantly growing and flipping the pages of your life, but in April you will turn the chapter and even change the entire book. This is a great month for you to accept and acknowledge all your feelings. Put your ego away and just hear a partner of friend out. Have a spiritually adventurous and emotion month Virgo!
Virgo March 2016 Horoscope
Virgo, this month the Devil was drawn for you. This card indicates that this month you may fall into your bad habits and become overwhelmed with unfavorable news. When things get tough, you must learn how to cope. Don’t let your vanity get the best of you. Learn how to break through illusions by asking questions. Make sure that you eliminate the confusion out of this month. Focusing on your fitness will lead you to better health. You are the only person who can change your habits and make yourself feel happy or sad. You must avoid getting into trouble and allowing temptation to get into your mind. Stay head strong Virgo!
Virgo Monthly Horoscope Read your tarot draw for the month of February 2016. Virgo- The World
Virgo, this month will bring you happiness and change. There may be travel in the works for you this month. You will go on a great journey. This journey may be physical or self internal. Either way, a dramatic change and resolution will happen for you this month. You will be surrounded by freedom and a new door will open ahead.
January 2016 Monthly Horoscope. January 2016 Tarot Draw for Virgo
Virgo, the month of January 2016 will bring you important information. You may hear from a place that is valuable to you very soon. A male will appear in your life during this month, he will have a great influence on you. There is a letter or a notice that is coming your way. This information will be swift and evident. You must be very patient and not hasty with your words.
Virgo Monthly Horoscope < Read your tarot draw for the month of December 2015. Virgo- Eight of Swords
Virgo, this month you may experience a difficult situation. December is the last month of the year and it may have a bittersweet ending for you. There is something that is keeping you in restraint. You almost feel as if its hard to get out of a situation. Loneliness and abandonment my an individual will come your way. However, the ball is in your park. Allow your difficulties this month to strengthen you and new paths will open up.
Virgo Monthly Horoscope < Read your tarot draw for the month of November 2015. Virgo- Seven of Pentacles
Virgo, November will be a great financial month for you. New opportunities will arise. Your hard work will pay off this month. The more you work, the more opportunities will come your way. A future promise is seen. This card indicates that you may get a promotion,raise, or start a new job. This is also a great time for financial investments, starting a new business, partnering up with someone, or even applying for a new job! Overall, November will bring you success in finances and a possibly an advance in your home!
Read your tarot draw for the month of September to October 2015 – Virgo- The Hermit
Virgo, for the month of September through October will be a time for self reflection, discussing mis-communications, and learning from your past actions. You will be very deep with yourself these 2 months. At times you may say things too quickly and that may cause you to get into an unwanted situation. This month practice to think of being in other people’s shoes as well as communicate with mis communications that you may have had in the past.
August Horoscope 2015
Read your Tarot Draw for the month of August 2015 – Virgo – Ten of Pentacles
Virgo, August will be a great month for you. You will be likely to celebrate something this month. Someone that from your past, an old friend, or a family member will come back into your life. A long distance travel and reunion is indicated. This coming together will bring great joy and celebration to you this month. You will have less stress this month and more of a feeling where you want to go to sleep early so you wake up for a fresh day to start. Finances are steady this month, some new ideas may pop up into your mind, but you may not have time to complete all your job tasks this month as you will be more occupied with your social and family like so don’t forget to write down any new ideas you may have for your career so you can make a goal for yourself.
July Horoscope
Read your Tarot Draw for the month of July 2015 – Virgo
Tarot Draw – King of Wands
Virgo, family and career is highlighted this month. You are one to analyze things and even though you have accomplished a great deal in your life now ( even with out noticing it) you still feel that you have a lot of things ahead that you need to take down and get passed. To avoid arguments this week you must be a bit or assertive and put yourself in others shoes. This is a great month to become educated and travel to a foreign country. Any obstacles you will have this month will be taken down by your intelligence. Success.If you are a female an male that may represent a King will appear in your life, allow this person in and you will be off to start a great relationship.
April Virgo Tarot Horoscope
Tarot Card Draw:
Seven of Cups
Virgo, this month will be a tricky one for you.There may be a smell or gust of confusion in the air. It may indicate something that you think internally,but you exert externally in a different way. You may have rich dreams and fantasies in your mind and you have have been holding something off for a while now. This month is the time to really make the right choices and take that step out of your head to face all reality and see what things can offer you. Be smart not to fall into temptations. If its ‘too good to be true’ then it may actually be that way. Trust your intuition more then your fantasy and it will guide you.