Learn more about your Cancer zodiac sign personality,symbol, planet, lucky day, and read your Cancer horoscope free.

About Zodiac Sign Cancer Personality

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Cancer is the 4th zodiac sign in astrology. Those born under the zodiac sign of Cancer are very street smart individuals. Cancer is a very honest and reliable zodiac sign. They take ahold of life head first, but they tend to compress all their feelings inside.

Symbolic Animal: The Crab

Element: Water

Color: Silver

Cancer Celebs:Lindsay Lohan, Jaden Smith, Selena Gomez, Will Ferrel, Tom Hanks, Lana Del Rey, Drake Bell, Tom Cruise, Ashely Tisdale

Ruled By: The Moon

Lucky Day: Monday

Cancer Daily Inspirational Quote: “The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job.” – Zig Ziglar